Best known as a multi-instrumental member of Tortoise and a pillar of the Chicago jazz and experimental music scene, Jeff Parker has been incomparably prolific over the last 20+ years. Over the course of 2013 and 2014, Parker slowly transitioned his personal belongings from Chicago to a new home in Los Angeles. By early 2015 Parker had refined several compositional ideas around samples he created after years of studying vinyl sampling and beat conduction, and enlisted local friend Paul Bryan to engineer and play bass guitar in sessions with saxophonist Josh Johnson and drummer Jamire Williams. The New Breed is Jeff Parker’s most vibrant and comprehensively personal work yet, appropriately the first in 11 years with only his name in the “lead artist” column. For this occasion, The New Breed’s personnel will consist of Josh Johnson on alto saxophone and keys, bassist Paul Bryan, and drummer Makaya McCraven.​